Friday, January 31, 2020

Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118933282 -

Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118933282 - Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118933282 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 718 pages Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (April 25, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781118933282 ISBN-13: 978-1118933282 Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery, Third Edition, presents a fresh approach to kinematic design and analysis and is an ideal textbook for senior undergraduates and graduates in mechanical, automotive and production engineering – Presents the traditional approach to the design and analysis of kinematic problems and shows how …

Kinematics, Dynamics, and Design of Machinery 3rd Edition

The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1544339122 -

The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1544339122 - The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1544339122 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 616 pages Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc; Seventh edition (January 29, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 1544339127 ISBN-13: 978-1544339122 The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Seventh Edition demonstrates the vital role research plays in criminology and criminal justice by integrating in-depth, real-world case studies with a comprehensive discussion of research methods. By pairing research techniques with practical examples from the …

The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice 7th Edition

The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259914263 -

The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259914263 - The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259914263 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 704 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (April 20, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1259914267 ISBN-13: 978-1259914263 The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach, 7e is a text with readings that enhances comprehension of philosophical study by encouraging students to ponder, explore, and actively participate in the learning process. Philosophy becomes a personal journey for students through Lawhead’s unique pedagogy that introduces philosophical concepts through practical …

The Philosophical Journey An Interactive Approach 7th Edition

Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems, ISBN-13: 978-0470936900 -

Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems, ISBN-13: 978-0470936900 - Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems, ISBN-13: 978-0470936900 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Book 86) 528 pages Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 6, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470936908 ISBN-13: 978-0470936900 Programming multi-core and many-core computing systems Provides state-of-the-art methods for programming multi-core and many-core systems. The book comprises a selection of twenty two chapters covering: fundamental techniques and algorithms; programming approaches; methodologies and frameworks; scheduling and management; testing and evaluation methodologies

Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems

Dellmann's Textbook of Veterinary Histology 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0781741484 -

Dellmann's Textbook of Veterinary Histology 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0781741484 - Dellmann’s Textbook of Veterinary Histology 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0781741484 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 432 pages Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 6 edition (June 12, 2006) Language: English ISBN-10: 0781741483 ISBN-13: 978-0781741484 The leading veterinary histology text returns with a fully updated sixth edition. Written in a concise, easy-to-understand that’s a pleasure to read, this new edition continues the student-friendly tradition originated by Dr. Dellman, presenting the basics of histology including cytology and microscopic anatomy. The Sixth Edition focuses on the most …

Dellmann's Textbook of Veterinary Histology 6th Edition

A Concise Introduction to Statistical Inference, ISBN-13: 978-1498755771 -

A Concise Introduction to Statistical Inference, ISBN-13: 978-1498755771 - A Concise Introduction to Statistical Inference, ISBN-13: 978-1498755771 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 228 pages Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC; 1 edition (December 17, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1498755771 ISBN-13: 978-1498755771 This short book introduces the main ideas of statistical inference in a way that is both user friendly and mathematically sound. Particular emphasis is placed on the common foundation of many models used in practice. In addition, the book focuses on the formulation of appropriate statistical models to study …

A Concise Introduction to Statistical Inference

Inside Out and Outside In 4th Edition by Joan Berzoff, ISBN-13: 978-1442236844 -

Inside Out and Outside In 4th Edition by Joan Berzoff, ISBN-13: 978-1442236844 - Inside Out and Outside In: Psychodynamic Clinical Theory and Psychopathology in Contemporary Multicultural Contexts 4th Edition by Joan Berzoff, ISBN-13: 978-1442236844 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 568 pages Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; Fourth edition (February 8, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1442236841 ISBN-13: 978-1442236844 Inside Out and Outside In has established itself as a foundational book for mental health practitioners in a variety of disciplines who work with clients in complex social environments. It is unique in its focus …

Inside Out and Outside In 4th Edition

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305109391 -

Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305109391 - Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305109391 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 688 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 6 edition (January 1, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781305109391 ISBN-13: 978-1305109391 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION: PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES, Sixth Edition, uses a precise, step-by-step, scientific approach to explain human behavior. Case studies and examples illustrate key principles. Review “I must say that this is one of the best written behavioral texts I have read. It is easy to understand, and explains principles …

Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures 6th Edition

Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0323401371 -

Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0323401371 - Stoelting’s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0323401371 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 736 pages Publisher: Elsevier; 7 edition (April 18, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0323401376 ISBN-13: 978-0323401371 A classic since its first publication nearly 25 years ago, Stoelting’s Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease, 7th Edition, by Drs. Roberta L. Hines and Katherine E. Marschall, remains your go-to reference for concise, thorough coverage of pathophysiology of the most common diseases and their medical management relevant to anesthesia. To provide …

Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease 7th Edition

Speech and Voice Science 3rd Edition by Alison Behrman, ISBN-13: 978-1597569354 -

Speech and Voice Science 3rd Edition by Alison Behrman, ISBN-13: 978-1597569354 - Speech and Voice Science 3rd Edition by Alison Behrman, ISBN-13: 978-1597569354 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 462 pages Publisher: Plural Publishing; 3 edition (August 21, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1597569356 ISBN-13: 978-1597569354 Speech and Voice Science, Third Edition is the only textbook to provide comprehensive and detailed information on both voice source and vocal tract contributions to speech production. Because the writing style is user-friendly for all levels of students, instructors report using this book for a wide variety …

Speech and Voice Science 3rd Edition

ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0996826235 -

ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0996826235 - ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0996826235 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 391 pages Publisher: ACS American College of Surgeons (2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 0996826238 ISBN-13: 978-0996826235 Must Have for ATLS This 10th edition represents the latest in evidence based care for the injured. The course materials were thoroughly vetted by a group of international experts and the content was vigorously debated for both its scientific merit and practical application. The result is a vibrant offering for …

ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support 10th Edition

UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134277554 -

UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134277554 - UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0134277554 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 1232 pages Publisher: Addison Wesley; 5 edition (8 Aug. 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0134277554 ISBN-13: 978-0134277554 UNIX(R) and Linux(R) System Administration Handbook, Fifth Edition, is today’s definitive guide to installing, configuring and maintaining any UNIX or Linux system — including the systems that provide core Internet and cloud infrastructure. Now fully updated for today’s Linux distributions and cloud environments, it details best practices for …

UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook 5th Edition

Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1585285488 -

Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1585285488 - Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1585285488 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 667 pages Publisher: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 6 edition (May 1, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781585285488 ISBN-13: 978-1585285488 Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data continues to be the most popular teaching text on laboratory data for pharmacy students as well as the go-to reference for pharmacists in therapeutic practice. Now in its sixth edition, it has been expanded and updated to cover new …

Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data 6th Edition

Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying 12th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118499207 -

Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying 12th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118499207 - Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying 12th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118499207 [PDF eBook eTextbook] The measurement of building elements is a core subject for quantity surveying students. Responding to the recently published second volume of the New Rules of Measurement (NRM2) by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the 12th edition of Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying explains, from first principles and to NRM2 standards, the measurement process for all the key building elements. This edition begins with an …

Willis's Elements of Quantity Surveying 12th Edition

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Family Therapy: An Overview 9th Edition by Irene Goldenberg, ISBN-13: 978-1305092969 -

Family Therapy: An Overview 9th Edition by Irene Goldenberg, ISBN-13: 978-1305092969 - Family Therapy: An Overview 9th Edition by Irene Goldenberg, ISBN-13: 978-1305092969 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 608 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 9 edition (March 3, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 1305092961 ISBN-13: 978-1305092969 This current, engaging, and practice-oriented text is your complete resource for mastering the many facets of family therapy. In this ninth edition, the authors examine and explain key viewpoints, perspectives, values, intervention techniques, and goals of family therapy — featuring practice-oriented content to help you become an …

Family Therapy An Overview 9th Edition

The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Package 1: Volumes A and B) 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0393264548 -

The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Package 1: Volumes A and B) 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0393264548 - The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Package 1: Volumes A and B) 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0393264548 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 2884 pages Series: Norton Anthology of American Literature Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; Ninth edition (December 9, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 0393264548 ISBN-13: 978-0393264548 Includes Volume Package 1, consisting of both: Volume A (Beginnings to 1820) Volume B (1820 to 1865) A responsive, refreshed, and media-rich revision of the market-leading anthology of American literature. The most-trusted anthology …

Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1483373379 -

Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1483373379 - Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1483373379 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Corrections: From Research, to Policy, to Practice offers students a 21st-century look into the treatment and rehabilitative themes that drive modern-day corrections. Written by two academic scholars and former practitioners, Mary K. Stohr and Anthony Walsh, this book provides students with a comprehensive and practical understanding of corrections, as well as coverage of often-overlooked topics like ethics, comparative corrections, offender classification and assessment, …

Corrections From Research to Policy to Practice

Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305504912 -

Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305504912 - Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305504912 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 768 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 10 edition (January 1, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781305504912 ISBN-13: 978-1305504912 NOTE: access code NOT included. Statistics is one of the most practical and essential courses that you will take, and a primary goal of this popular text is to make the task of learning statistics as simple as possible. Straightforward instruction, built-in learning aids, and real-world examples have made …

Statistics for The Behavioral Sciences 10th Edition

Governing Texas 4th Edition by Anthony Champagne, ISBN-13: 978-0393644302 -

Governing Texas 4th Edition by Anthony Champagne, ISBN-13: 978-0393644302 - Governing Texas 4th Edition by Anthony Champagne, ISBN-13: 978-0393644302 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 625 pages Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; Fourth edition Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0393644302 The #1 selling book for Texas government courses, with a new focus on the future of Texas politics. The #1 package for thinking critically about the past, present, and future of Texas politics. The most trusted source for comprehensive coverage. The text and its groundbreaking InQuizitive course get students to think …

Governing Texas 4th Edition by Anthony Champagne

The History of Mathematics: An Introduction 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073383156 -

The History of Mathematics: An Introduction 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073383156 - The History of Mathematics: An Introduction 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073383156 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 816 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (February 9, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 0073383155 ISBN-13: 978-0073383156 The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, Seventh Edition, is written for the one- or two-semester math history course taken by juniors or seniors, and covers the history behind the topics typically covered in an undergraduate math curriculum or in elementary schools or high schools. Elegantly written in David …

The History of Mathematics An Introduction 7th Edition

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259822674 -

Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259822674 - Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259822674 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 1008 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 9 edition (January 1, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1259822672 ISBN-13: 978-1259822674 The subject of thermodynamics deals with energy and has long been an essential part of engineering curricula all over the world. Its broad application area ranges from microscopic organisms to common household appliances, transportation vehicles, power generation systems, and even philosophy. This introductory book contains sufficient material for two sequential …

Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach 9th Edition

Language: Its Structure and Use 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1285052458 -

Language: Its Structure and Use 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1285052458 - Language: Its Structure and Use 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1285052458 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 608 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (January 1, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1285052455 ISBN-13: 978-1285052458 Whatever you do and wherever you go, you use language to interact. This text explains what human language is and how it works, giving you a look into the multiple fascinating and surprising facets of this uniquely human trait. You’ll find many opportunities to ask your own questions and …

Language Its Structure and Use 7th Edition

Algebra and Trigonometry: Real Mathematics, Real People 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305071735 -

Algebra and Trigonometry: Real Mathematics, Real People 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305071735 - Algebra and Trigonometry: Real Mathematics, Real People 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305071735 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 1008 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (January 1, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1305071735 ISBN-13: 978-1305071735 Ideal for courses that require the use of a graphing calculator, ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY: REAL MATHEMATICS, REAL PEOPLE, 6th Edition, features quality exercises, interesting applications, and innovative resources to help you succeed. Retaining the book’s emphasis on student support, selected examples include notations directing students to previous …

Algebra and Trigonometry Real Mathematics Real People 7th Edition

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Corporate Risk Management for International Business by Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz, ISBN-13: 978-9811042645 -

Corporate Risk Management for International Business by Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz, ISBN-13: 978-9811042645 - Corporate Risk Management for International Business by Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz, ISBN-13: 978-9811042645 (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application) [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application 167 pages Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2017 edition (May 20, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 9811042640 ISBN-13: 978-9811042645 This book presents research on how businesses can be empowered to manage their company’s risk exposure in international settings. It elaborates on approaches that advocate the …

Corporate Risk Management for International Business

Survey of Historic Costume 6th Edition by Phyllis G. Tortora, ISBN-13: 978-1628921670 -

Survey of Historic Costume 6th Edition by Phyllis G. Tortora, ISBN-13: 978-1628921670 - Survey of Historic Costume 6th Edition by Phyllis G. Tortora, ISBN-13: 978-1628921670 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 720 pages Publisher: Fairchild Books; 6 edition (March 12, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 1628921676 ISBN-13: 978-1628921670 Survey of Historic Costume, 6th Edition, is the best-selling introduction to Western dress from the ancient world through the twenty-first century. Each chapter presents social, cross-cultural, environmental, geographic, and artistic influences on clothing. With visuals, illustrated tables, and in-depth discussions, readers come to recognize recurring themes …

Survey of Historic Costume 6th Edition

Applied Tree Biology 1st Edition by Andrew Hirons, ISBN-13: 978-1118296400 -

Applied Tree Biology 1st Edition by Andrew Hirons, ISBN-13: 978-1118296400 - Applied Tree Biology 1st Edition by Andrew Hirons, ISBN-13: 978-1118296400 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 432 pages Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1 edition (January 9, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781118296400 ISBN-13: 978-1118296400 Review “Overall this is very well written and beautifully presented book on applied tree biology that completely meets its declared objectives and is an excellent resource for all those engaged in the care and management of amenity trees, parks and other urban landscapes. It also fills an important and …

Applied Tree Biology 1st Edition by Andrew Hirons

Invention and Craft: A Guide to College Writing by Ronda Leathers Dively, ISBN-13: 978-1259988660 -

Invention and Craft: A Guide to College Writing by Ronda Leathers Dively, ISBN-13: 978-1259988660 - Invention and Craft: A Guide to College Writing by Ronda Leathers Dively, ISBN-13: 978-1259988660 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 496 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (December 23, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 125998866X ISBN-13: 978-1259988660 Invention and Craft: A Guide to College Writing offers a new approach to teaching and learning in the first-year writing classroom. Invention and Craft draws on the relationship between the writing process and the creative process model and teaches a problem-solving, insight-driven approach to …

Invention and Craft A Guide to College Writing

Becoming Rhetorical 1st Edition by Jodie Nicotra, ISBN-13: 978-1305956773 -

Becoming Rhetorical 1st Edition by Jodie Nicotra, ISBN-13: 978-1305956773 - Becoming Rhetorical 1st Edition by Jodie Nicotra, ISBN-13: 978-1305956773 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 672 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 1 edition (January 1, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 130595677X ISBN-13: 978-1305956773 In your courses and career, you will compose essays, reports, photos, graphics, web pages, and more. BECOMING RHETORICAL gives you the tools and the training you need to create successful communications in all of these formats and in different situations. First you will learn tools of analysis — ways …

Becoming Rhetorical 1st Edition by Jodie Nicotra

Place and Space in the Medieval World 1st Edition by Meg Boulton, ISBN-13: 978-1138220201 -

Place and Space in the Medieval World 1st Edition by Meg Boulton, ISBN-13: 978-1138220201 - Place and Space in the Medieval World 1st Edition by Meg Boulton, ISBN-13: 978-1138220201 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Routledge Research in Art History 292 pages Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (March 26, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1138220205 ISBN-13: 978-1138220201 This book addresses the critical terminologies of place and space (and their role within medieval studies) in a considered and critical manner, presenting a scholarly introduction written by the editors alongside thematic case studies that address a wide range …

Place and Space in the Medieval World by Meg Boulton

Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1284120196 -

Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1284120196 - Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach 3rd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1284120196 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 522 pages Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 3 edition (March 15, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781284120196 ISBN-13: 978-1284120196 Pathophysiology: A Practical Approach, Third Edition employs a concept-based approach to teaching nursing students the complex, yet essential topic of pathophysiology. The Third Edition offers an innovative, user-friendly approach and serves as a practical guide to understanding pathophysiology. Both instructor and students praise this text for its ease …

Pathophysiology A Practical Approach 3rd Edition

Nuclear Medicine Technology: Review Questions for the Board Examinations 5th Ed. 2018 Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3319624990 -

Nuclear Medicine Technology: Review Questions for the Board Examinations 5th Ed. 2018 Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3319624990 - Nuclear Medicine Technology: Review Questions for the Board Examinations 5th Ed. 2018 Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3319624990 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 300 pages Publisher: Springer; 5th ed. 2018 edition (October 24, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 3319624997 ISBN-13: 978-3319624990 Review “The book is specifically targeted towards applicants to the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. But interest in the book may extend to a wider readership, including not only technologists but also medical students and …

Nuclear Medicine Technology Review Questions for the Board Examinations 5th Edition

Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics Volume 75, ISBN-13: 978-0444638984 -

Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics Volume 75, ISBN-13: 978-0444638984 - Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics Volume 75, ISBN-13: 978-0444638984 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry (Volume 75) (Book 75) 302 pages Publisher: Elsevier; 1 edition (March 23, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0444638989 ISBN-13: 978-0444638984 Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics, Volume 75 presents the latest information on new and published analytical methodologies for the identification and quantification of microplastics. This series focuses on a variety of interesting topics surrounding the field of microplastics, with this new release …

Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics Volume 75

Intermediate Financial Management 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1337395083 -

Intermediate Financial Management 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1337395083 - Accounting for Non-Accounting Students 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1292128979 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 1216 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 13 edition (February 16, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1337395080 ISBN-13: 978-1337395083 The only book written specifically for Intermediate or Advanced Corporate Finance courses, Brigham/Daves’ INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 13E combines in-depth discussions of core issues with current coverage of the topics that are reshaping finance today. This best-selling author teams provides a unique balance of theory and practical applications to equip you …

Intermediate Financial Management 13th Edition

Business Data Communications and Networking 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119368830 -

Business Data Communications and Networking 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119368830 - Business Data Communications and Networking 13th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1119368830 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 400 pages Publisher: Wiley (November 15, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1119441110 ISBN-13: 978-1119368830 As the world grows increasingly interconnected, data communications has become a critical aspect of business operations. Wireless and mobile technology allows us to seamlessly transition from work to play and back again, and the Internet of things has brought our appliances, vehicles, and homes into the network; as life increasingly takes place …

Business Data Communications and Networking 13th Edition

Oxford Handbook of Urology 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0198783480 -

Oxford Handbook of Urology 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0198783480 - Oxford Handbook of Urology 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0198783480 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Oxford Medical Handbooks 896 pages Publisher: Oxford University Press; 4 edition (June 24, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 0198783485 ISBN-13: 978-0198783480 The fourth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Urology has been fully updated to reflect the significant advances in medical and surgical opportunities since the previous edition, including pelvic laparoscopic and robotic surgery, new drugs in incontinence and male sexual health, and new laser devices …

Oxford Handbook of Urology 4th Edition

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305271531 -

Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305271531 - Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1305271531 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 435 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 7 edition (June 15, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 130527153X ISBN-13: 978-1305271531 Therapy that effects change must authentically involve you, the therapist. Engaging, readable, and immediately helpful with clients, INTERPERSONAL PROCESS IN THERAPY: AN INTEGRATIVE MODEL brings together various theories into a cohesive framework that centers on the therapeutic relationship. It shows you practical ways to intervene with your …

Interpersonal Process in Therapy An Integrative Model 7th Edition

Criminal Investigation 11th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1285862613 -

Criminal Investigation 11th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1285862613 - Criminal Investigation 11th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1285862613 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 752 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 11 edition (January 1, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781285862613 ISBN-13: 978-1285862613 Easy to read and well-organized, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 11th Edition delivers a practical, field-based approach to the modern investigative principles and practices you need to succeed in criminal justice. Demonstrating techniques and their many applications, the book introduces long-standing tools, practices, and policies alongside the latest innovations in technology and science to give

Criminal Investigation 11th Edition

Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding 13th Edition (NEC 2017), ISBN-13: 978-1890659738 -

Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding 13th Edition (NEC 2017), ISBN-13: 978-1890659738 - Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding 13th Edition (NEC 2017), ISBN-13: 978-1890659738 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 1144 pages Publisher: International Association of Electrical Inspectors; 456 edition (May 2, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1890659738 ISBN-13: 978-1890659738 Grounding has often puzzled experts and caused non-experts to quake through the years. In the late 1990s, because there was so much confusion on this topic, the NEC Correlating Committee formed a special task group for usability to tackle Article 250. The charter …

Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding 13th Edition

Therapeutic Applications of Ribozymes and Riboswitches: Methods and Protocols, ISBN-13: 978-1493962969 -

Therapeutic Applications of Ribozymes and Riboswitches: Methods and Protocols, ISBN-13: 978-1493962969 - Therapeutic Applications of Ribozymes and Riboswitches: Methods and Protocols, ISBN-13: 978-1493962969 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Methods in Molecular Biology (Book 1103) 292 pages Publisher: Humana; Original 1st ed. 2014 edition Language: English ISBN-10: 1493962965 ISBN-13: 978-1493962969 From the Back Cover In Therapeutic Applications of Ribozymes and Riboswitches: Methods and Protocols, expert researchers in the field provide a complete overview of protocols used in the development of RNA molecule as drugs and drug target. These include methods and …

Therapeutic Applications of Ribozymes and Riboswitches Methods and Protocols

Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3642234583 -

Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3642234583 - Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-3642234583 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 623 pages Publisher: Springer; 2nd ed. 2012 edition (November 10, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 3642234585 ISBN-13: 978-3642234583 From the Back Cover This book is a unique in-depth and comprehensive reference that covers all surgically relevant thyroid and parathyroid diseases and presents the latest information on their management. International authorities discuss operative techniques and treatments in detail and explain the rationales for their favored …

Surgery of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 2nd Edition

Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles & Practice Second Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1933864198 -

Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles & Practice Second Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1933864198 - Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles & Practice 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1933864198 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 1200 pages Publisher: Demos Medical Publishing; 2 edition (March 19, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1933864192 ISBN-13: 978-1933864198 The thoroughly revised Second Edition of this authoritative reference continues to define the standard of care for the field of spinal cord medicine. Encompassing all of the diseases and disorders that may affect the proper functioning of the spinal cord or spinal nerves, this comprehensive volume provides …

Spinal Cord Medicine Principles & Practice 2nd Edition

Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259717772 -

Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259717772 - Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach 9th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259717772 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 912 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 9 edition (February 9, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1259717771 ISBN-13: 978-1259717772 Saunders and Cornett’s Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach provides an innovative approach that focuses on managing return and risk in modern financial institutions. The central theme is that the risks faced by financial institutions managers and the methods and markets through which these risks are …

Financial Institutions Management 9th Edition

International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259705076 -

International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259705076 - International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 10th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1259705076 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 672 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 10 edition (April 25, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1259705072 ISBN-13: 978-1259705076 International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior reflect new and emerging developments influencing international managers. With integrated real-world examples, research, and practical applications, students understand how to adjust, adapt, and navigate the changing global business landscape and respond to global challenges-making it a market-leader. The authors retain research and …

International Management Culture Strategy and Behavior 10th Edition

Essentials of Business Statistics 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1260239515 -

Essentials of Business Statistics 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1260239515 - Essentials of Business Statistics 2nd Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1260239515 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 592 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 2 edition (January 2, 2019) Language: English ISBN-10: 1260239519 ISBN-13: 978-1260239515 Essentials of Business Statistics: Communicating with Numbers is a core statistics textbook that sparks student interest and bridges the gap between how statistics is taught and how practitioners think about and apply statistical methods. Throughout the text, the emphasis is on communicating with numbers rather than on number crunching.

Essentials of Business Statistics 2nd Edition

Staffing Organizations 9th Edition by Herbert G. Heneman, ISBN-13: 978-1259756559 -

Staffing Organizations 9th Edition by Herbert G. Heneman, ISBN-13: 978-1259756559 - Staffing Organizations 9th Edition by Herbert G. Heneman, ISBN-13: 978-1259756559 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 784 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 9 edition (January 30, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1259756556 ISBN-13: 978-1259756559 Heneman’s and Judge’s Staffing Organizations, 9e, is based on a comprehensive staffing model. Components of the model include staffing models and strategy, staffing support systems (legal compliance, planning, job analysis and rewards), core staffing systems (recruitment, selection, and employment), and staffing systems and retention management. Up-to-date research and …

Staffing Organizations 9th Edition

Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470542811 -

Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470542811 - Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0470542811 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 672 pages Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (April 9, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470542810 ISBN-13: 978-0470542811 A comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the fundamentals of regression analysis Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Fifth Edition continues to present both the conventional and less common uses of linear regression in today’s cutting-edge scientific research. The authors blend both theory and application to equip readers with an understanding of …

Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition

Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118471463 -

Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118471463 - Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1118471463 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 164 pages Publisher: Wiley; 5 edition (March 11, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 9781118471463 ISBN-13: 978-1118471463 As the Solutions Manual, this book is meant to accompany the main title, Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Fifth Edition. Clearly balancing theory with applications, this book describes both the conventional and less common uses of linear regression in the practical context of today’s mathematical and …

Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis 5th Edition

Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0077835439 -

Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases 7th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0077835439 - Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases, ISBN-13: 978-0077835439 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: Mcgraw-hill Series Operations and Decision Sciences 528 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 7 edition (February 15, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 0077835433 ISBN-13: 978-0077835439 Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases 7E is an ideal book for the instructor seeking a short text with cases. This book employs a cross-functional perspective that emphasizes strategy and critical thinking, appealing to non-majors and practical …

Operations Management in the Supply Chain Decisions and Cases 7th Edition

Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Version 11th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073532387 -

Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Version 11th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073532387 - Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Version 11th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0073532387 [PDF eBook eTextbook] Series: For Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 11 edition (January 10, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 007353238X ISBN-13: 978-0073532387 Calculus for Business, Economics, and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief Edition provides a sound, intuitive understanding of the basic concepts students need as they pursue careers in business, economics, and the life and …

Calculus for Business Economics and the Social and Life Sciences 11th Edition

CompTIA Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1337288781 -

CompTIA Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1337288781 - CompTIA Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals 6th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1337288781 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 720 pages Publisher: Cengage Learning; 6 edition (September 22, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1337288780 ISBN-13: 978-1337288781 NOTE: Access codes NOT included. Reflecting the latest developments and emerging trends from the field, COMPTIA SECURITY+ GUIDE TO NETWORK SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS, 6e, helps you prepare for professional certification — and career success. The text fully maps to the new CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Certification Exam, providing thorough …