Monday, September 2, 2019

Macroeconomics 13th Edition by Roger A. Arnold, ISBN-13: 978-1337617390 -

Macroeconomics 13th Edition by Roger A. Arnold, ISBN-13: 978-1337617390 - 696 pages
Publisher: South-Western College Pub; 13 edition (January 1, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1337617393
ISBN-13: 978-1337617390

Ever wonder what gives money value, why the unemployment rate rises or falls, or why some economies grow faster than others? What causes the business cycle, or inflation, or high interest rates? MACROECONOMICS, 13E answers these intriguing questions and more as you open the world of economic analysis. You master macroeconomics as memorable examples from everyday macroeconomic events illustrate how economic forces link to everyday events. This edition offers videos ideal for self-study. “Video Office Hours” digital lectures walk you through worked problems, while brief “Working with Diagrams” videos demonstrate key concepts in graphing.

About the Author

Dr. Roger A. Arnold is Professor of Economics at California State University San Marcos, where his fields of specialization include general microeconomic theory and monetary theory. A widely respected authority on economic issues, Dr. Arnold is a regularly featured expert on talk radio discussing the state of the economy. He is also a proven author who has published numerous academic

Macroeconomics 13th Edition