Friday, May 1, 2020
Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills, ISBN-13: 978-0826199157 - ebookschoice.com
Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills, ISBN-13: 978-0826199157 - ebookschoice.com: Essential Interviewing and Counseling Skills: An Integrated Approach to Practice, ISBN-13: 978-0826199157 [PDF eBook eTextbook] 440 pages Publisher: Springer Publishing Company; 1 edition (March 27, 2014) Authors: Tracy Prout; Melanie Wadkins Language: English ISBN-10: 0826199151 ISBN-13: 978-0826199157 This is the only comprehensive text to focus on the development of practical interviewing and counseling skills for master’s-level mental health counseling students. It is structured around the goals established by the CACREP’s 2009 document on standards for …